Computer Programming

J Mwaura

Lecture 4: Relationships Among Classes

Computer Programming

J Mwaura

Class Relationships





The 2nd principle of Object Oriented Programming

We use Unified Modeling Language (UML) to shows the relationship between classes & objects graphically

Base class or superclass - the general class

Derived class or subclass - a specific class

A derived class extends its base class;

  • Derived class inherits all of the data members & member functions of the base class (with the exception of constructors, destructor, & assignment operators that need to be redefined)
  • It can create new data members & member functions


UML diagram for inheritance


Types of inheritance in C++;

  • Private inheritance (default type)
  • Protected inheritance
  • Public inheritance

Use (:) after a base class (e.g. B-base & D-derived class)


Types of inheritance

Public Inheritance

A private member in the base class becomes an inaccessible (hidden) member in the derived class

A public member in the base class becomes a public member in the derived class

Public inheritance is the most common. e.g.

  • Class Student inherits from the class Person

Protected Inheritance

Protected inheritance is rare and virtually never used

Private inheritance does not define a type inheritance; it defines an implementation inheritance

Private Inheritance

Public members of the base class become private members in the derived class

This property allows inherited implementation (code reuse)



Forms of inheritance

  • Single inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Multilevel inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance (also known as Virtual Inheritance)

Forms of Inheritance

Forms of Inheritance


Not all relationships between classes can be defined as inheritance

it models the has-a relationship

An association between two classes shows a relationship. For example, we can define a class named Person and another class named Address

A person lives in an address and the address is occupied by a person. The Address class is not inherited from the Person class; neither the other way

Types of Association

1. Aggregation

  • An aggregation is a one-to-may relationship from the aggregator to the aggregatee
  • In an aggregation, the lifetime of the aggregatee is independent of the lifetime of the aggregator


Types of Association

2. Composition

  • Composition is a special kind of aggregation in which the lifetime of the containee depends on the lifetime of the container
  • The distinction between aggregation and composition is normally conceptual; it depends on how the designer thinks about the relationship


Dependency is a weaker relationship than inheritance or association

Dependency models the uses relationship

For Class A & B, dependency happens when

  • Class A uses an object of type B as a parameter in a member function
  • Class A has a member function that returns an object of type B
  • Class A has a member function that has a local variable of type B

End of Lecture 4

Computer Programming

That's it!

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  • C++ Programming - An Object-Oriented Approach, 2019 Behrouz, Richard
  • Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming by Example, 2000 Andrew, Barbara
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Computer Programming