Measuring- ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something)

Basic measurement; distance, length & area
Measuring- ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something)
Basic measurement; distance, length & area
Objective- to promote a new store to encourage repeat patronage
Scientific foundation
Principle- Linear distance versus other kinds of distance (network, psychological)
Technique- Assigning postcode coordinates to catchment area requires point in polygon analysis
Analysis- Need to include analysis of spatial interaction between this and other stores
Generic question
Management & policy
Look for an article on use of GIS in animal migration. Submit a summary based on the following issues
Queries about this Session, please send them to:
- Geographic Information System Basics, 2012
J.E.Campbell & M. Shin
- Fundamentals of GIS, 2017
Girmay Kindaya
- GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems, 2005
U.M. Shamsi
- Analytical and Computer Cartography, 2nd ed.
Keith C. Claike
- Geographic Information Systems: The Microcomputer and Modern Cartography, 1st ed.
Fraser Taylor
Courtesy of Open School